Like any novel, with its preface or prologue, I begin with an introduction. This blog is meant to act as a sanctuary, a shield hall, from the drum of everyday stresses and boredom. It is where I hope to extend my creativity and writing to the outside world. To you, my readers, I hope to entertain and spark curiosity that will tear you from the infamous sour day, that boring reality, that 'Oh God, why is this happening to me?' moment, and share with you the art of writing, my art.
Among many other things, I am a writer. More specifically, I write fiction and am currently working on several projects which I hope to publish in the future. Now, in this blog, I plan to present various personal reflections ranging from topics covering Film, Books, TV, Music, Current Events, Personal Life Stories, Martial Arts, Theology and Philosophy, History, Mythology (expect alot of mythological references!), Poetry, and some of my own works of poetry that I would like to share. However, it is fiction that most intrigues me - fantasy. Now, for those in the writing community, we all know that fiction is sometimes prejudiced against in the intellectual community. We aren't really encouraged to write fiction in school, and some might wonder: well, if it's a made up world or made up characters, what value does it hold in reality? What can this teach me? I state now that any work created with an open mind whether it be fiction or factual, if it is done with the purpose to bring benevolence to all mankind, or even just to explore one's inner self, that work has value. Since human beings started writing it has always been a sacred act. When authors started to shape their own words, their own stories, those too retained great power. Humanity. Fiction writing, still retains that crucial aspect of humanity, explores it, manifests it. Sometimes the most fantastical of plots offer the most human struggles, the deepest lessons.
J.R.R. Tolkien, Jim Butcher, William Shakespeare, Salman Rushdie, I love all of their stories and language. The action and adventure of Tolkien and Butcher would make anyone jump out of their seat bellowing a thunderous "HELL YES!", but there's more to their stories. All of these writers bring forth a unique piece of artwork but within them all lies that crucial human need for heroes, the plot demonstrating struggle and success, human nature both good and bad. The power of fiction is that while an individual can create an entirely new and imaginary world, there still echos humanity. There remain lessons to be learned and heroes readers can identify with, even aspire to emulate. Storytelling is not only how I explore various themes and ideals, it's how I express myself. We all have stories to tell; we all have to find our own red road.
So here it is, my portal to the world, but to you, my friends and readers, I also invite your feedback and discussion. I welcome exploration and hope for your enjoyment of my work. My name is Eric Campos, welcome to Shield Hall.
well put my friend. well done and well written. i love the way your mind works